Home Magazin Maneken se pohvalio “turskim zubima” od 3.500 eura, a onda je krenuo horor

Maneken se pohvalio “turskim zubima” od 3.500 eura, a onda je krenuo horor

Maneken se pohvalio “turskim zubima” od 3.500 eura, a onda je krenuo horor

Maneken Jack James (22) iz Mančestera želio je da sredi zube kako bi izgledao „bolje pred kamerom“.

Njegovi zubi su pre intervencije izgledali ovako.

Jack�s teeth before he had the veneers in Turkey. See SWNS story SWTPteeth. A model who flew to Turkey for �3k veneers has been left looking like a �shark� – after a botched job left him with an infection. Jack James, 22, decided to get his teeth done so he could look �better on camera� and flew out to Istanbul, Turkey. He was happy with the results until months later when they started to bleed, puss and leak.,Image: 784620808, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This image is supplied for editorial use, commercial use may require additional licenses or permissions.
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email pix@swns.com, Model Release: no, Credit line: Jack James / SWNS / SWNS / Profimedia

Ali u nemogućnosti da priušti proceduru u Velikoj Britaniji, potrošio je 3.000 funti (nešto manje od 3.500 eura) na nabavku faseta u Istanbulu prošlog septembra. U početku bio zadovoljan rezultatima i pohvalio se da „izgledaju dobro“.

Jack James shows off his pearly white veneers. See SWNS story SWTPteeth. A model who flew to Turkey for �3k veneers has been left looking like a �shark� – after a botched job left him with an infection. Jack James, 22, decided to get his teeth done so he could look �better on camera� and flew out to Istanbul, Turkey. He was happy with the results until months later when they started to bleed, puss and leak.,Image: 784620795, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This image is supplied for editorial use, commercial use may require additional licenses or permissions.
AI policy – We will never use AI to create or enhance images which could be mistaken for genuine news photos. When we do use AI images, we’ll mark them on the picture and in the metadata
This image is supplied to your organisation on the condition that your organisation will take all steps necessary to ensure that any identifiable personal data is processed in full compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018
follow us on twitter – @swns
browse our website – swns.com
email pix@swns.com, Model Release: no, Credit line: Jack James / SWNS / SWNS / Profimedia

Ipak, u maju su iznenada počeli problemi, mučio se pri korištenju konca, krenulo je krvarenje desni i „užasan zadah“. Također tvrdi da je počelo da mu ‘gnoji i curi’ u ustima. Hitan pregled kod zubara u Mančesteru potvrdio je da ima infekciju, u vidu apscesa – gnojne upale.

Zubar je rekao i da su mu zubi „u haosu“, te da će popravka koštati i do 20.000 funti.

Jack has been left with �shark teeth� after botched veneer treatment. See SWNS story SWTPteeth. A model who flew to Turkey for �3k veneers has been left looking like a �shark� – after a botched job left him with an infection. Jack James, 22, decided to get his teeth done so he could look �better on camera� and flew out to Istanbul, Turkey. He was happy with the results until months later when they started to bleed, puss and leak.,Image: 784620801, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This image is supplied for editorial use, commercial use may require additional licenses or permissions.
AI policy – We will never use AI to create or enhance images which could be mistaken for genuine news photos. When we do use AI images, we’ll mark them on the picture and in the metadata
This image is supplied to your organisation on the condition that your organisation will take all steps necessary to ensure that any identifiable personal data is processed in full compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018
follow us on twitter – @swns
browse our website – swns.com
email pix@swns.com, Model Release: no, Credit line: Jack James / SWNS / SWNS / Profimedia



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